IGO Interactive Annual Report 2019

In FY19, IGO made production royalty payments to the Ngadju Native Title Aboriginal Corporation (NNTAC) totalling $3.3M. Positive results from the IGO Social Impact Assessment study following over 300 responses from stakeholders in our host communities in Norseman and Esperance. IGO’s Corporate Giving program made a difference to over 46 organisations and programs. Over $475,000 invested in Corporate Giving over the year compared to $252,000 in FY18. Over 80 IGO employees participated in IGO volunteer opportunities in FY19. Company-wide employee engagement survey completed with positive improvements across many areas: • Overall engagement score of 70%, an increase of 15% from 2018. • 90% of those surveyed said IGO has a work environment accepting of diverse backgrounds. • 86% of those surveyed indicated that they are proud to work for IGO. Award of 27% of internal promotions to female candidates, along with 60% of manager promotions to female candidates. Improved gender diversity balance achieved for new graduates recruited for FY20 (38.5% graduates female). Participation in the IGO Graduate and Vacation Programs increasing year-on-year with a total of 13 first, second- and third-year graduates working with us at year-end. OUR PEOPLE SAFETY PERFORMANCE MAKING A DIFFERENCE SUSTAINABILITY Lost Time Injury Frequency Rate per million hours worked was 1.37, down from 2.39 in FY18. IGO’s Total Reportable Injury Frequency Rate for FY19 was 9.58, down from 19.14 for the previous year. Embedding an inter-dependent safety culture and reducing potential incidents continues to be a key focus for the Company in FY20. IGO ANNUAL REPORT 2019 — 3