In accordance with the Native Title Act 1993 , various lands are subject to native title claims and determinations. IGO operates in accordance with the law and in close collaboration with our stakeholders, some of whom are Traditional Owners. The following outlines the status of claims as they affect IGO Operations. NATIVE TITLE NOVA OPERATION The Nova Operation lies within an area that is subject to the native title of the Ngadju people. IGO has secured access rights through a mining agreement with their prescribed body corporate, the Ngadju Native Title Aboriginal Corporation (NNTAC). Similarly, access to surrounding exploration leases are subject to various heritage agreements with the NNTAC. LONG OPERATION The Long Operation lies within an area that, in part, is also subject to the native title of the Ngadju people. However, as determined by the High Court of Australia, Ngadju rights and interests have no effect to the extent that there is any inconsistency with the approved land uses associated with the Long Operation. TROPICANA OPERATION The Tropicana Operation is wholly within the area of the former Wongatha Native Title Claim (WC99/001). This claim was dismissed by the Federal Court in 2007. Notwithstanding this, Tropicana continues to work constructively with the Traditional Owners. Life on Land HERITAGE PROTECTION Sites of historical or heritage significance have been identified at each of our operating mines, projects and our various exploration sites. Over time, other new sites may be identified. IGO has clear protocols around land disturbance and acts in accordance with the law. As required, IGO seeks to engage Traditional Owners to ensure the effective and culturally sensitive management of significant sites. In FY18, no significant sites were disturbed accidentally or otherwise. LAND ACCESS AGREEMENT In FY18, IGO entered into a new land access agreement with the Central Land Council in the Northern Territory to enable access for IGO’s exploration activities in the Lake Mackay JV. Discussions subsequently commenced on land access arrangements for the Raptor exploration area. 66 — IGO SUSTAINABILITY REPORT 2018