EXPLORATION In FY18, land disturbance was considered the activity that presented the greatest potential for environmental impact in these areas. Figure 22 shows the last four years of disturbance and rehabilitation across our business. The increase in FY18 is driven predominantly by the expanding exploration programs in the Fraser Range. To ensure we understand and mitigate our impacts, IGO has updated its disturbance (and rehabilitation) tracking system. Attention has also been placed on educating our workforce on its obligation to protect the environment and to ensure there are sufficient resources to enable effective impact monitoring and progressive rehabilitation. This work is ongoing. NOVA OPERATION The majority of land disturbance at the Nova Operation occurred in FY15 for the construction of the processing plant, tailings dam, boxcut and other associated infrastructure. In FY18, 16ha of land was disturbed and 2ha rehabilitated. A total of 109ha of land has been rehabilitated since construction began. TROPICANA OPERATION During FY18, 119ha of land was cleared at the Tropicana Operation, primarily for the expansion of the waste rock dump and open pits. During the same period, 10ha of rehabilitation was completed. A total of 224ha of land has been rehabilitated at the mine since construction began. LONG OPERATION During FY18, there was no land disturbance and no rehabilitation. At the end of FY18, coinciding with the Operation being placed in care and maintenance, IGO identified a number of historical landforms to be rehabilitated. At the time of publication, these earthworks were still underway, with the ROM pad and legacy TSF being completed. JAGUAR OPERATION At the Jaguar Operation, 152ha of land disturbance was reported for FY18. In reality, significantly less than this amount was cleared. The increase was driven by an updated disturbance mapping exercise that identified clearing that had not previously been captured. Further to this, rehabilitation of 1ha was completed in FY18. Exploration efforts surrounding the Jaguar Operation, including diamond drilling, resulted in clearing of 72ha. Similarly, improved reporting increased our known land disturbance area. Approximately 1ha was rehabilitated in FY18. EXPLORATION IGO’s regional exploration projects around Australia created a disturbance footprint of 648ha. In contrast only 88ha of land was rehabilitated. The majority of clearance related to the seismic survey carried out surrounding our Nova Operation. IGO has developed a progressive rehabilitation plan for all of its exploration disturbance, supported in the FY19 budget to ensure completion. IGO SUSTAINABILITY REPORT 2018— 71