10% 10% 14% 65% 14% 14% 16% 56% 28% 0% 6% 66% 2% 6% 4% 88% 2% 1% 21% 14% 15% 38% 62% 47% LOCAL WA AUSTRALIA INTERNATIONAL NOVA CONTRACTOR LOCATION (COUNT) NOVA CONTRACTOR LOCATION (PERCENTAGE SPEND) JAGUAR CONTRACTOR LOCATION (COUNT) JAGUAR CONTRACTOR LOCATION (PERCENTAGE SPEND) LONG CONTRACTOR LOCATION (COUNT) LONG CONTRACTOR LOCATION (PERCENTAGE SPEND) 325-99,784 130-325 60-130 32-60 19-32 10-19 6-10 3-6 1-3 <1 WESTERN AUSTRALIA INVOICES TOTAL ($ '000) (EX. TAXES) CONTRACTOR MANAGEMENT From time-to-time, IGO engages contractors (as both businesses and individuals) to provide various services at our operations, exploration projects, warehouses and offices. When contractors are at an IGO site, their safety and welfare is IGO’s responsibility. Subject to contractual arrangements, IGO may require a contractor to also operate in accordance with its own safety management system. Irrespective of the arrangement, IGO expects that its contractors provide their workforce with a safe system of work and a safe place of work. We expect our contractors to monitor and report on their performance, and we expect to see improved trends in measured outcomes. Put simply, we expect to see the same high standards we require of our direct employees, with no serious workplace injuries and a declining trend in minor injuries. Our major contractors have requirements in their contracts consistent with the IGO Code of Conduct and Sustainability Standards. Our contractors are required to undertake a comprehensive program of IGO and work site inductions in order to develop a clear understanding of the requirements for working at our sites. All contractors working at IGO sites are provided with an IGO representative to manage their contract. This provides IGO with a direct opportunity to maintain ongoing sustainability management. IGO SUSTAINABILITY REPORT 2018— 93