Sustainability Report 2021

At A Glance We care about our social licence to operate — keeping connected to our communities, our partnerships and all the people who matter by doing what is right. We are committed to building and strengthening these relationships, which requires consistent work, collaboration, trust, respect and authenticity. We do this by actively engaging with all our stakeholders and consider the impacts of our business activities at every stage to co-create shared value projects and build a reputation of caring and doing what we say we will do. At IGO, we engage with two broad groups within the broader community: the general public and the people and organisations which form our host communities. Our host communities are those people most directly affected by our business activities near our operational areas (i.e., our mines, development projects and our active exploration areas). The Traditional Owners of the land on which we operate are an important group that also comprise a significant portion of our current host communities. Their support, engagement and trust are central to the sustainability of our business. Read more about our stakeholder groups on pages 29 and 96. IGO’s annually revised community engagement strategy and action plan guides our engagement and collaboration with our host communities. Our prime focus is on understanding community matters of concern as they relate to our operations. Our engagement activities are intended to identify opportunities to minimise negative impacts and maximise the benefits associated with our operations. 3.1Mha ethnographically surveyed across our operations and exploration projects 540 heritage sites managed A$904k 1 invested in Corporate giving in FY21, compared to A$603k in FY20 677 hours volunteered by IGO people donating their time to charitable causes 60 IGO supported over 60 organisations and programs in FY21 A$14.1M contributed to the Ngadju Native Title Aboriginal Corporation (NNTAC) in royalty payments since the commencement of the Nova Mining Agreement in 2014 1. Includes a one-off payment in FY21 to the Norseman and Esperance communities. IGO SUSTAINABILITY REPORT 2021— 45