GRI CONTENT INDEX The table below cross-references the general standard disclosure requirements of the GRI reporting standards with the contents of this report. The following table has been developed to aid the cross- referencing of IGO's material issues (as determined in this report) to GRI reporting standards. APPENDICES General standard disclosures General Standard Disclosures Page Number (or Link) STRATEGY AND ANALYSIS GRI 102-14 2-3 ORGANISATIONAL PROFILE GRI 102-1 Inside cover, 8 GRI 102-2 8, 26-29 GRI 102-3 Inside cover GRI 102-4 27, 36, 38, 40-41 GRI 102-5 28 GRI 102-6 27, 90-95 GRI 102-7 36-41, 46-48, 99-100 GRI 102-8 52-57, 99-100 GRI 102-9 27-29, 89-93 GRI 102-10 27-29, 89-93 IDENTIFIED MATERIAL ASPECTS AND BOUNDARIES GRI 102-46 Inside cover, 18-23 GRI 102-47 18-21 STAKEHOLDER ENGAGEMENT GRI 102-40 22-23 GRI 102-42 20-23 GRI 102-43 20-23 GRI 102-44 20-21 REPORT PROFILE GRI 102-50 Inside cover, 2-3 GRI 102-51 Inside cover, 2-3 GRI 102-52 Inside cover, 2-3 GRI 102-53 Inside cover GRI 102-54 Inside cover GRI 102-55 98 GRI 102-56 Inside cover, 96-97 GOVERNANCE GRI 102-18 10-11 ETHICS AND INTEGRITY GRI 102-16 8-11 Specific standard disclosures Material Topics Page Number (or Link) Management Approach GRI 103-1 20-21 CATEGORY: ECONOMIC Material Aspect: Economic Performance GRI 201-1 88-91 GRI 201-2 94 Material Aspect: Indirect Economic Impacts GRI 203-2 90-91 Material Aspect: Procurement Practices GRI 204-1 91-93 Material Aspect: Materials GRI 301-1 22, 99-100 CATEGORY: ENVIRONMENTAL Material Aspect: Energy GRI 302-1 80-81 GRI 302-4 80-81 Material Aspect: Water GRI 303-1 78-79, 99 GRI 303-3 78-79 Material Aspect: Biodiversity GRI 304-1 65, 70-73 GRI 304-2 70-73 Material Aspect: Emissions GRI 305-1 29, 81, 99 GRI 305-2 29, 81, 99 GRI 305-7 29, 82, 99 Material Aspect: Effluents and Waste GRI 306-2 76-77, 99 CATEGORY: SOCIAL SUB-CATEGORY: LABOR PRACTICES AND DECENT WORK Material Aspect: Employment GRI 401-1 52-57, 99-100 GRI 401-2 53-54 GRI 401-3 54 Material Aspect: Occupational Health and Safety GRI 403-2 58-60, 100 GRI 404-2 55-57 SUB-CATEGORY: HUMAN RIGHTS Material Aspect: Forced or Compulsory Labour GRI 409-1 33 SUB-CATEGORY: SOCIETY Material Aspect: Local Communities GRI 413-1 62-67, 90 GRI 413-2 27 98 — IGO SUSTAINABILITY REPORT 2018