Sustainability Report 2021

3.1Mha ethnographically surveyed across our operations and exploration projects. Total payments made to Ngadju during FY21. A$4.7M 4% vs FY20 A$904k 1 Corporate giving contributions in FY21. We released our first Modern Slavery Statement in FY21. Regrettably, in FY21 we incurred a penalty due to non- compliance on an exploration rehabilitation matter from FY20. More information is available on page 86. Female representation on the IGO Board. 37.5% 29% in FY20 A$256.1M Payments to suppliers for goods and services in FY21. Total spend on Aboriginal owned or managed businesses in FY21. A$6.2M 29% vs FY20 81% of our suppliers of goods and services are located locally or within Western Australia. Communities & Traditional Owners Safety &Wellbeing Environment Business Integrity Our Financial Contributions Our Response to Climate Change Total Reportable Injury Frequency Rate (TRIFR) in FY21. 13.2 22% vs FY20 FY21 saw a significant improvement in safety outcomes. Although we have improved, we are on a journey and believe that our performance must and will improve further. 23% increase in the decant water recycled at the Nova Operation. Land rehabilitated in FY21. 687ha 19% vs FY20 FY21 Finalist for the AMEC Environmental Award and WA Waste Authority Waste Sorted Award. 11% of Nova’s total power consumption delivered from solar renewable energy in FY21. A$60/t CO 2 -e IGO’s internal carbon price in FY22, to provide the internal funding for our decarbonisation projects. In FY21, we refined our response and strategy to address climate change, implementing a number of work programs to accelerate our progress towards carbon neutrality. 1. Includes a one-off payment in FY21 to the Norseman and Esperance communities. IGO SUSTAINABILITY REPORT 2021— 3